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about the Protel Users FAQ

the independent Protel FAQ covers Frequently Asked Questions (with answers) about the Protel schematic, layout, and simulation software; and related general circuit design tips.

Lots of stuff missing. Please help us fill it in.

With the old versions of the FAQ, the only way for you to change it was:

Send improvements to the FAQ maintainer, currently David Cary <d.cary+protel at>

However, now you can immediately add comments to the bottom of any page of this FAQ. In fact, if you sign up for a (free) massmind password, you can create entirely new pages of your own. Isn't technology wonderful ?

"the" Protel Users mailing list

There is a Protel Users mailing list. Smart Protel users subscribe to both of the following lists, since traffic flips between them when one is (temporarily) offline.

These mailing lists also have associated:

Protel-specific news and mailing lists

see also mailing lists for general circuit design

[FIXME: Does each page of the FAQ (they should all be listed at protel.htm ) have a "up" link to protel.htm and "prev" <-- --> "next" links? ]

The Protel Users FAQ was first posted by David Cary on 2000-04-03.

Originally posted at */

????: moved to .

2003: moved to

2004-05: currently located at -- David Cary


next: pwb_design_flow.htm

See also:


file: /Techref/app/protel_about.htm, 6KB, , updated: 2009/5/28 09:46, local time: 2024/6/2 21:38, owner: DAV-MP-E62a,

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Quick, Easy and CHEAP! RCL-1 RS232 Level Converter in a DB9 backshell
Ashley Roll has put together a really nice little unit here. Leave off the MAX232 and keep these handy for the few times you need true RS232!

























