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Getting multiple files in a single batch file

Encoding Binary files in Batch files

This one shows how to combine a debug script AND a batch file in one file (as long as you are using Windows XP)

EE'*01 DoGif.BAT for WinXP by Benny Pedersen,'

EE'*05 Asterisk & Number is line numb. (Significant * in above lines)'
FF 15A 0
E100 47 49 46 38 39 61 18 0 18 0 80 0 0 23 23 23 FF FF FF 21 F9 4 4 14
E119 FF 0 2C
E120 18 0 18 0 0 2 33 8C 8F A9 CB ED 9 22 78 4D 46 AA EC C5 5A E3 D0
E137 59 5F 28 8D E4 F4 1D 5D AA 7A 2C E8 B2 EB 3B CB 71 5A E3 B7 29 D2
E14D 7B 75 EA 31 82 C2 5 B1 4 3C BE 1C 5 0 3B
E2'{*15 Instead of the command "Q", let us make two more GIF files: }'
E100 47 49 46 38 39 61 18 0 18 0 80 0 0 1B 1B 1B
E110 FF FF FF 21 F9 4 4 14 0 FF 0 2C 0 0 0 0
E120 18 0 18 0 0 2 35 8C 8F A9 CB ED 6 A2 7C 48
E130 DA FB AE 9E 6D 6F 87 41 5A 7 2C 23 A5 84 68 65
E140 AD 6C EB 8A 5C 7C BA F5 7A A3 39 B5 67 AA DE 23
E150 79 82 C3 8F A9 F8 7B 21 23 B1 47 1 0 3B
E3'{*26 Create the last GIF file named "3.GIF": }'
E100 47 49 46 38 39 61 18 0 18 0 80 0 0 23 23 23
E110 FF FF FF 21 F9 4 4 14 0 FF 0 2C 0 0 0 0
E120 18 0 18 0 0 2 39 8C 8F A9 7B E0 F 1 6B B1
E130 BA 19 AC 9E 7A 2F 98 58 18 53 8D 5F 64 2A 68 DA
E140 49 AC 98 1A 5D 9C CD 34 5 DE 72 AE 97 FD 1A BA
E150 A8 80 C1 16 AF 68 74 9D 92 23 26 8D A8 33 15 0 0 3B
EE'{*37 }'
Q *** NOTICE: Important that this line, (numb 38) is included.

Any text below the command q, or after a line that is prefixed
with q would be ignored. For ex.: If you prefixed line numb 15
with q, (as qE2), then only one file would be created, instead
of three.

See also:

file: /Techref/dos/multi.htm, 2KB, , updated: 2004/5/24 14:05, local time: 2024/8/31 17:35,

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