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Microsoft Chatbot AI

Don't start by asking open ended questions. e.g. "How can I help you?" should be "Would you like A, B or C?

AdaptiveCards are a good way to present options, display media, and provide responses in an attractive format over multiple platforms. See the NuGet package for AdaptiveCards from Newtonsoft.Json

The state of the chatbot can change just like dialog boxes in an application to adjust to the type of interaction desired.

Key LUIS concepts
An intent represents actions the user wants to perform. The intent is a purpose or goal expressed in a user's input, such as booking a flight, paying a bill, or finding a news article. You define and name intents that correspond to these actions. A travel app may define an intent named "BookFlight."
An utterance is text input from the user that your app needs to understand. It may be a sentence, like "Book a ticket to Paris", or a fragment of a sentence, like "Booking" or "Paris flight." Utterances aren't always well-formed, and there can be many utterance variations for a particular intent.
An entity represents detailed information that is relevant in the utterance. For example, in the utterance "Book a ticket to Paris", "Paris" is a location. By recognizing and labeling the entities that are mentioned in the user’s utterance, LUIS helps you choose the specific action to take to answer a user's request.

See also:

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